Dallas, Tx 8-13-2014
Best wishes for my Girlfriend today. She beat breast cancer 12 years ago, .. I saw her speak the week after I had been diagnosed, while I was attending a seminar in San Diego called The Secret Knock. While there, I never told a soul that I had been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and had postponed my surgery so that I could still attend this event! I was there pushing my book, “The Diary of a Sugar Mom. Don’t Tell the Kids.”
After hearing her speak about what she’d been through, I decided I was going to talk about it BEFORE I went through it, while I went through it, and After- if there WAS an after! I then realized this was more about being a Sugar Mom! A word I made up, right then and there! A woman who can think for herself, speak eloquently, want to continue to learn on a daily basis, takes good care of herself at our age, takes Time for herself and understands that SHE Matters too! A Sugar Mom is “a woman who lives a life less Ordinary!”
This woman, Susan… may not know it, but she’s at the top of the Sugar Mom List! She’s doing what it takes to make it right for HER, and her attitude is outstandingly Positive!
This was my way of egging her on, to start writing a blog Before the big event and to continue sharing with us, just what she’s about to go through.
And how is my girlfriend Susan Santsche doing tonight? She’s been on my mind.