[iframely]https://audioboom.com/posts/5657624-the-sexy-good-stuff-inside[/iframely] I'm not here as a magician with a bag filled with tricks. I'm also not here to suggest you do something that might make you uncomfortable within yourself. We all have the "line in the sand," … [Read more...]
Sugar Moms On the Move!
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4084958/height/360/width/480/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/" height="360" width="480"]The perfect "Mug Shot" or "Date-line" Calendar from the Sugar Mom … [Read more...]
How a Sugar Mom bakes a cake…
With the holidays upon us, Robin Marshall, America's #1 Sugar Mom decided it was time to share her secrets for baking a cake! With this recipe, you can't miss! https://soundcloud.com/americas-1-sugar-mom/how-a-sugar-mom-bakes-a-cake … [Read more...]
Sugar Mom Affirmations
Tips for how to speak, think, and act like a Sugar Mom.... … [Read more...]
Bathroom Etiquette, Lack There Of!
I think there should be a mandatory course in High School on "Bathroom Etiquette!" We can add it as the second part of the year’s Mandatory course on "Customer Service," and following graduation, we just might wind up with a "Well Mannered KID," coming out!How do you live for … [Read more...]
Are you ready for Sugar Mom status? Find Out Here…
How would you as a Sugar Mom handle these situations?This not only determines where you are right now- it also allows you to determine how far you want to travel in the world of "Sugar Mom." Together, we will find the perfect middle. The perfect starting point and perfect landing … [Read more...]
22. I Promised You My “Happy Dance!”
Feb 23, 2015 Dallas, Texas I've been chemo-free for two weeks now! I made a promise to you that if I beat Cancer's ass- I'd do a "happy dance!" (Make sure you click on the link, considering I almost put myself back in the … [Read more...]
21. You Will Not Believe My News!
Feb 16th, 2015 Dallas, Tx. If you have been following my blog, you’ll know that 2 days ago I posted I was to go in today to have 4 chemo injections done in a 6 hour session. You know I have dreaded this- but they felt as I felt- I couldn’t handle the week to week … [Read more...]
20. “It Ain’t Over Till the FAT Lady Sings!” She’ Singin’!
Feb 15th,2015 Dallas, TxSo it’s come down to the wire… My Doctor has admitted I’m “one of a kind.” Meaning, she’s never had a patient who’s numbers have been the equivalent to a wooden roller coaster, where you hear the sound of the rickety-rick as it climbs to the peak and … [Read more...]
7. Unexpected Results From the Doctor
I met with the Doctor Tues morning and left same day at 1pm to fly home to South Carolina and see my five kids. They all think so differently about life, fate and God that I had to approach each one individually. The flight gave me 3 hours to rethink what was said to me, and add … [Read more...]
6. Day 7, After The Operation
Aug 25th, 2014UT Southwestern, Dallas Texas I'm not sure what day it is NOW... but if feels like day TEN! This was to have been a four day procedure!.....And at this point there are no veins left to prod and a temper that's about to explode! The culprit? My "Bowels are sleeping … [Read more...]
4. What Day is it, Anyway? Day 5?
What Day is it, Anyway?... Day 5? It seems like it was two weeks ago that I put a book out. I'm kind of thinking maybe it needed to be longer. Obviously it was lacking in content. Why else would I be hit with a topic that I need to learn about in a hurry, and a disease that … [Read more...]
5. I’m Home and attached to No IV-Pole- Finally
Aug 20, 2014 - Dallas, TxThird day waking up in my own bed! It's been scary! The first night I truly believed they'd let me out of the hospital too soon and as a a result I never unpacked my suitcase. In fact today that chore will be completed. Three days later.It's just amazing … [Read more...]
3. After The Surgery
I'm still here! I always thought Ovarian was the "death sentence." I hurt like hell! Each area, from the base of my neck to the tops of my thighs should have a little button that when pushed would say, "Don't TOUCH me!" I'd also stomp my foot if I had the ability to do so! The … [Read more...]
2.The Afternoon before the Surgery I got a call.
Aug 18th, 2014It was my Doctor. The test results were in, and they weren't in my favor. I tried to look behind her to see if there was anyone else waiting in line to add another "one-two punch," but she stood alone with words that cut through. In all fairness to her surgical … [Read more...]