Oct. 16th, 2014I Did It! I’m FREE at Last! I’m back to feeling like myself! Dare I say, a Sugar Mom?I finally realized I’d been holding myself hostage.... to my hair! I made an appointment with the woman who sold me my "patiently waiting wigs"... to cut it all off! As a cancer … [Read more...]
A mom who dreamed of making a dress out of #Skittles, of all things, accomplished her goal!!! Her friends and family supported her dream and kept her kids fed and a roof over her family's head, while she began the "glue-Skittle-glue" routine! This completed dress went viral on … [Read more...]
What Makes Women Insecure Enough to Strike Out?
I really need to study this. It’s become a constant throughout my life, so much so, that I know if I mention it to bystanders, they’ll think it’s ME! It’s NOT! I wish the best for all those around me, I encourage young people to follow their dreams, I hope that I never … [Read more...]
Falling Down the Stairs – Trying to Blame the Dogs!
I remember it like it was yesterday! Walking downstairs, to get my first cup of coffee for the day, wearing my worn out pink bathrobe, with two dogs at my feet, and no- I can’t blame the dogs this time, although I was groggier than normal because of a crazy dream about DANCE … [Read more...]
Have I got a Story for YOU!
And this could Only happen in My World...It began like this: years ago, I bought my 18 and 21 year olds’ plane tickets to come from NY to Charlotte. I know: “What a GOOD Mommy!” Wait:It was D-Day! I orchestrated one "know it all" child, coming from Iona, to be with the other "I’m … [Read more...]
My Cul-de-sac Gave New Meaning to a Real Bonanza!
A distant memory, now... but it sure does explain why I have always favored living on busy roads, with wide spread-out properties, allowing for Privacy and the opportunity to say, “I saw NOTHING!My street may as well be named, “Drama” Drive, … maybe, “Wrong” Road, … how ’bout, … [Read more...]
To Be a Sugar Mom: 5 Steps to the New You!
Here are 5 things for you to think about, and consider letting me help you. We can be "pen pals!" They're meant to let you give yourself permission, to move forward. Just think about them... 1.Who we used to be. Remember the woman who "hooked" your mate? She was full of … [Read more...]
Company Work Party Etiquette 101- Or Lack There Of?
There are certain things you CAN do, at your Company Holiday party, … and certain things you can NOT do! The first thing you can only HOPE to accomplish, is to stay until one hour before "last call," because that is the hour that holds the most "dish!" Unfortunately in my case, I … [Read more...]
Top 10 Deal Breakers in the Dating Circle!
Coming from the Wallstreet Journal, a new study found that overall, the most common DEAL BREAKERS for men while dating were: living more than 3 hours away and having a low sex drive. Well hell, by the time you'd Get there... the only drive left would be the milage back! The … [Read more...]
Glamour Shots was Good to Us!
My daughters joined me for a photo shoot at Glamour Shots! By the time we were done, I thought the photographer was going to KILL Us. The Laughing bug hit One, then Two, then ME. GREAT ROLE MODEL! You can't take us to weddings, funerals, or meetings either! In honor of all women … [Read more...]
Sometimes We Just Get Lucky!
To be a #SugarMom, you must have memories to pull from that give you the strength to move forward and become who you want to be, yet again! Many memories come from how we raised our children; how much control we may have let our husbands have, how powerful a pull did our parents … [Read more...]
Sugar Mom Affirmations
Tips for how to speak, think, and act like a Sugar Mom.... … [Read more...]
Most Parents Don’t EVER Live Through THIS!
I look at myself today, and see a woman who has had the most incredible life with her kids! I see a woman who can look back and tell a strong enough story that will keep those kids at beckon call for years to come, because they love being a part of the madness to this day! They … [Read more...]
28. The Night Before…
Some of you may have noticed that I've been more "visible" lateley! LOL, but I wanted share a secret as to why. When I'm nervous I force myself to be social, funny, outrageous, and for lack of a better word, gregarious! It's an easier route than sitting back and letting things … [Read more...]
Let’s Take a Walk through the Cumulus Clouds.
"How to get to know yourself 101." Take a Test or Make one Up! I know... you're scratching your head muttering, "What- is she talking about THIS time?" This was my Wake-up Call! I made my own test and called it:25 Things that MATTER to You.These are mine, and I'd LOVE to know 25 … [Read more...]