We teach our kids to respect the authorities but to what avail? When do we step back and say, "Wait a minute! Where's the Justice?" Hear my story about my kids. … [Read more...]
Holiday Sugar! Hour SIX!
I've saved the Best for Last! The Final hour of the Sugar Mom Christmas Show! Hour SIX! Thank you for listening and enjoy your Holiday! Love, Sugar Mom … [Read more...]
Holiday Sugar! Hour Five!
Snuggle up on the couch while listening to the Best Christmas Music with Sugar Mom! … [Read more...]
OMG! Now I’m in BED With GOOGLE!
Another side to the disastrous dating world! Just when I think I've hit the bottom - having no patience anymore... I find THIS OUT!! Listen and see! Google my ASS! … [Read more...]
Rembering 9-11. Do You?
Living on Long Island, while supposed to have been going to work in NYC on that fateful day, is something I can never shake. It's under my skin, like a thin residue of memory, running through my veins. Were you there? Did you know someone who was? Take a minute, ... think of … [Read more...]
This is a combination of TWO podcasts! My buddy Todd Sargeant in Australia, also does a podcast called #BeyondForty, and he asked to interview me! He gave me access to His podcast and I have chosen to share the interview with You. You will understand the name of this podcast as … [Read more...]
Have you ever been in love with a married man? Have you seen "the highs," and felt "the lows?" Such a sad place to be for both women: one who wants the other's place, and one who wishes she knew what the fix was? Sad for him too, as he has to live two lives and lies. No one … [Read more...]
He Wants Me to WHAT??
Here's the scenerio: I was asked out on a date to see a show! Guy seemed nice enough... pictures were ok,... in shape... but still no sparks. Wait until you hear what happened NEXT! OMG. These pictures tell the whole story! Same attitude, although I was prob more pissed when … [Read more...]
Wow... just when we think we know it all about Men on Dating sites, there's yet another perspective! Joe, has it down pat, it seems. Although there were a couple stumbles, which are what we look for, Intently - as it shows he is human, listen and learn about what He's looking … [Read more...]
YOU Pulled the Trigger – But HE LOADED the GUN!
Another discussion with a woman who's been forced to turn her life around, due to infidelity and mistrust. I'll say it again: We Must Talk to each other, in order to Fix the Madness! If you're unhappy in your marriage- open your mouth and SAY SO!!! Try the fix, ... and if it … [Read more...]
Survivor Part 6: Lemons to Lemonade
I bet you thought I lived "happily ever after," didn't you! Well... in a way I did, but with much more to be grateful for than before! I let a bit of time go by, before I decided to continue with this saga, because I wanted to be known as "the woman who beat it!" Not … [Read more...]
Survivor Part 5: Lemons to Lemonade
I feel like a winner in a boxing ring! Knocked down several times by chemo - but I'm STANDING. I want my message to be crystal clear: If you are unfortunate enough to be told you've got cancer, Don't Give In! You will always have a friend in Me. I will be your support system … [Read more...]
I don’t Know what I WANT… I just Know what I DON’T Want.
I'm back with Val, the woman we shared such pain with last time. I wanted to see how she was holding up. If you missed that podcast, go to iTunes and download it for free. As we continue on, she said something Very Profound: "I don't even Know what I want... I just know what I … [Read more...]
Just let me go Quietly, PLEASE.
When you've reached the end of the rope... you've got one knot to hold on to, before you know you've got to let go... that feeling of despair where life is about to turn due to YOUR decision. It's scary, and it's So Real, but if you Don't make the right choice you may as well … [Read more...]
Cancer Shmancer-OK-It’s Back
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4591491/height/360/width/480/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/" height="360" width="480"] I have a Chronic Cancer. It's like having a headache. It comes … [Read more...]