We teach our kids to respect the authorities but to what avail? When do we step back and say, "Wait a minute! Where's the Justice?" Hear my story about my kids. … [Read more...]
Just let me go Quietly, PLEASE.
When you've reached the end of the rope... you've got one knot to hold on to, before you know you've got to let go... that feeling of despair where life is about to turn due to YOUR decision. It's scary, and it's So Real, but if you Don't make the right choice you may as well … [Read more...]
13: Diary of a Sugar Mom CHAPTERS 69-73 FINAL
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5119320/height/360/width/480/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/" height="360" … [Read more...]
Is Sex about Kissing, Unicorns and Laughter?
[iframely]https://audioboom.com/posts/5657613-is-sex-about-kissing-unicorns-and-laughter[/iframely] I know it's hard to believe, but it's not always about Sex! When we finally grow up, and are supposed to understand the difference between Magic and Reality. Magic is the … [Read more...]
23. Let’s Do the Vodka Shake!
Just in case you missed this: Tomorrow is the day I get both of my ports out!I will finally be able to wear my dresses again! Next step- hair will grow back and no more hiding my Martina's from my Doctor!http://youtu.be/dDzl7_Qc5wc … [Read more...]
26. She Goes, and She Comes.
DFW June 10th, 2015 I find that the only time I've got available to write lately is while I'm flying from city to city. 9 days to go…I’m down to the wire now. My three-month check-up is on the 19th of June. I know this will sound crazy, but sometimes I feel as if I’m … [Read more...]
24. Gimme the Beat Boys….
In the air between Dallas, Tx and Pgh, Pa. March 21.2015One of the happiest days of my life has been dancing with my daughters! In case you missed it on FB - here we are! LOL! The greatest joy is that I know a lot of you watched (over 2500 views on FB) and laughed along with … [Read more...]
14. The Jury Is Back And The Verdict Is In
Nov 12th, 2014And the news is good! Actually, this is the first bit of good news I’ve had since this journey started just a few months ago. It's all about faith! Faith builds hope not only internally but amongst friends too, and you have proven to be my friends, just in case I … [Read more...]
19. It’s All About the Red Shoes…
Feb 3rd, 2014I’m “cleaning out my closet” of life. All of a sudden I’m realizing that the important things should stay and the non-relevant things should go. Clothes, files, friends and so on have been looked at twice with intent on keeping only what really matters. Is it due to … [Read more...]
Let’s Take a Walk through the Cumulus Clouds.
"How to get to know yourself 101." Take a Test or Make one Up! I know... you're scratching your head muttering, "What- is she talking about THIS time?" This was my Wake-up Call! I made my own test and called it:25 Things that MATTER to You.These are mine, and I'd LOVE to know 25 … [Read more...]