May 22nd, 2016It's been a while... I probably needed to grow on my own for a hot minute without spilling my guts about every little thing! In the last year, I've had 4 quarterly blood draws, all coming back with great news. This last one has me a bit on edge as the number was … [Read more...]
Funeral Is Set at 350.
[podcast src="" height="360" width="480"] We are sadly informed of the passing of one of America's … [Read more...]
A mom who dreamed of making a dress out of #Skittles, of all things, accomplished her goal!!! Her friends and family supported her dream and kept her kids fed and a roof over her family's head, while she began the "glue-Skittle-glue" routine! This completed dress went viral on … [Read more...]
What Makes Women Insecure Enough to Strike Out?
I really need to study this. It’s become a constant throughout my life, so much so, that I know if I mention it to bystanders, they’ll think it’s ME! It’s NOT! I wish the best for all those around me, I encourage young people to follow their dreams, I hope that I never … [Read more...]
Falling Down the Stairs – Trying to Blame the Dogs!
I remember it like it was yesterday! Walking downstairs, to get my first cup of coffee for the day, wearing my worn out pink bathrobe, with two dogs at my feet, and no- I can’t blame the dogs this time, although I was groggier than normal because of a crazy dream about DANCE … [Read more...]
Love or IN Love, that is the Question.
Do you know the difference between the two? … [Read more...]
Sugar Moms On the Move!
[podcast src="" height="360" width="480"]The perfect "Mug Shot" or "Date-line" Calendar from the Sugar Mom … [Read more...]
Little Black Dress – America’s #1 Sugar Mom It's not about the little black dress, it's about what's Under the dress! The video portrays what most women feel as they approach that time in life where they wonder, "what happened to Me?" I need time for Myself! I love my kids … [Read more...]
To Be a Sugar Mom: 5 Steps to the New You!
Here are 5 things for you to think about, and consider letting me help you. We can be "pen pals!" They're meant to let you give yourself permission, to move forward. Just think about them... 1.Who we used to be. Remember the woman who "hooked" your mate? She was full of … [Read more...]
How a Sugar Mom bakes a cake…
With the holidays upon us, Robin Marshall, America's #1 Sugar Mom decided it was time to share her secrets for baking a cake! With this recipe, you can't miss! … [Read more...]
Sometimes We Just Get Lucky!
To be a #SugarMom, you must have memories to pull from that give you the strength to move forward and become who you want to be, yet again! Many memories come from how we raised our children; how much control we may have let our husbands have, how powerful a pull did our parents … [Read more...]
28. The Night Before…
Some of you may have noticed that I've been more "visible" lateley! LOL, but I wanted share a secret as to why. When I'm nervous I force myself to be social, funny, outrageous, and for lack of a better word, gregarious! It's an easier route than sitting back and letting things … [Read more...]
22. I Promised You My “Happy Dance!”
Feb 23, 2015 Dallas, Texas I've been chemo-free for two weeks now! I made a promise to you that if I beat Cancer's ass- I'd do a "happy dance!" (Make sure you click on the link, considering I almost put myself back in the … [Read more...]