Sometimes I look for the "other woman" I Want to be! Where did she go? If my head wasn't attached to my neck- I don't know if I could screw it back on correctly! … [Read more...]
Would YOU allow a stranger to get into your car? I've done it TWICE! I've lived to tell the tale! … [Read more...]
This is a combination of TWO podcasts! My buddy Todd Sargeant in Australia, also does a podcast called #BeyondForty, and he asked to interview me! He gave me access to His podcast and I have chosen to share the interview with You. You will understand the name of this podcast as … [Read more...]
Have you ever been in love with a married man? Have you seen "the highs," and felt "the lows?" Such a sad place to be for both women: one who wants the other's place, and one who wishes she knew what the fix was? Sad for him too, as he has to live two lives and lies. No one … [Read more...]
YOU Pulled the Trigger – But HE LOADED the GUN!
Another discussion with a woman who's been forced to turn her life around, due to infidelity and mistrust. I'll say it again: We Must Talk to each other, in order to Fix the Madness! If you're unhappy in your marriage- open your mouth and SAY SO!!! Try the fix, ... and if it … [Read more...]
That’s what HE Said!
Finally I've decided to grab the inside scoop from a man's perspective! I found him on a dating site, texted back and forth for about 15 min, liked his attitude and asked if he'd be interested in sharing HIS perspective of "dating sites" from the man's point of view! WOW! He … [Read more...]
Man Crazy!!!
How can One Woman make So many of the wrong choices with regard to Men! In lieu of saying I'm out of my Mind... I choose to say I'm Man Crazy! … [Read more...]
What Doesn’t He GET?
Why do men Love our attributes as long as they're not practiced with THEM? It's Craziness! They secretly want us to be "dirty women" with them... and Like when we talk about our abilities to do so, but the minute we're in a relationship with them- they're afraid that everyone … [Read more...]
Are You a Sugar Mom?
[iframely][/iframely] Never judge a book by it's cover! The Name might have you second-guessing what a Sugar Mom Is... but after you take this quiz, you're going to be shocked at your results! Girlfriend? You've got Sugar … [Read more...]
24 Dating Tips to Turn Him On and How bout that Site!
[iframely][/iframely] How many times a day do you wonder to yourself, " WHAT am I not Getting about him?" Picture a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, except... this is a hanging picture … [Read more...]
Don’t Be Hating On Your MOM and a Look at Ovarian Cancer
[iframely][/iframely] Why are there some of us who, when first asked, only remember the bad parts of our moms... and then the rest of the normal world remembers the good! Sometimes it takes a trauma to bring us … [Read more...]
The Bully-Woman. She Needs to Go.
I really need to study this. It’s become a constant throughout my life, so much so, that I know if I mention it to bystanders, they’ll think it’s ME! It’s NOT! I wish the best for all those around me, I encourage young people to follow their dreams, I hope that I never … [Read more...]
Sugar Moms On the Move!
[podcast src="" height="360" width="480"]The perfect "Mug Shot" or "Date-line" Calendar from the Sugar Mom … [Read more...]
My Cul-de-sac Gave New Meaning to a Real Bonanza!
A distant memory, now... but it sure does explain why I have always favored living on busy roads, with wide spread-out properties, allowing for Privacy and the opportunity to say, “I saw NOTHING!My street may as well be named, “Drama” Drive, … maybe, “Wrong” Road, … how ’bout, … [Read more...]
Little Black Dress – America’s #1 Sugar Mom It's not about the little black dress, it's about what's Under the dress! The video portrays what most women feel as they approach that time in life where they wonder, "what happened to Me?" I need time for Myself! I love my kids … [Read more...]